13 april 2020

1 Month (social) media confinement. (self inflicted)

Dear network,

Today, Monday April 13th as from 7pm (19.00h) I will confine myself from (social) media. For one month, just until May 13th, 7pm (19.00h)

(It's a hell of a job getting rid of all notifications though)


Maybe the information I get through these media, official or social, is worse than the actual situation is. Of course vulnerable people have to be protected but professional organisations are doing that already. And through regular means of communication (phone, text, whatsapp), I'm in touch anyway;

Maybe the information I get through these media is confusing. A lot of gessing and accusing is going on already. Drawing conclusions based on incomplete data. Unprecedented means unprecedented. Period. They, we, do the best we can. But, stop assuming things, thus predicting things that are never going to happen. And don't suggest a conspiracy (read back in the history books on how many conspiracy theories proved true in the end, well...);

Maybe I can find more time to sort other things out. I know people who would love that;

Maybe it shows me how to see the difference between shiny glass buds and real value;

Maybe, it just another "me" thingy;

Maybe, you could consider doing this too. All up to you.

I'll be available of course for a phonecall, chat by text or whatsapp, outside working hours (8am-5pm). The latest news on confinement measures I will learn through my wife and close family, so..

It's only a month.

I'll write my findings in this blog from time to time (as long as you are not confining yourself too)

tic tac